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Machine integrations

Digital solutions for the sale of machines are an essential part of an IT system for machine dealers.

In the web service Webmachines, we have ensured that you can integrate your machine data directly from DSM to many external sales channels such as the machine magazine, tractorpool, mascus and more.

Your machines are automatically created, deleted and updated from DSM to the portals and back again to DSM when a machine is sold.

Sale of machines

You can manage your entire online sale of machines from DSM with a few clicks and you can choose entirely yourself which web portals you want to use.

With the Webmachines web service, you are constantly updated with the status of your machine sales.

At JMA, we work with the Global Sustainable Development Goals. Global Goal 8 deals with decent jobs and economic growth. We have an active focus on sustainable resources, particularly in relation to the digitization of work processes.

Therefore, we also have a digital solution for the sale of your machines. Optimizing digital workflows and processes provides a better bottom line both for you and for the world around us.

We have integration for the following machine portals


Quickly create machine ads directly from DSM to many different portals and gain the following benefits

  • Centralized machine and portal management across online portals and own website
  • Option to integrate your new and used machines on your own website
  • Targeted advertising and marketing at machine level
  • Automatic export of machine ads
  • Improved data quality of machine ads across online portals
  • Time saving through centralized, efficient and transparent processes
  • Continuous development of value-adding features to improve machine advertising
  • Continuous expansion of the portal network

Recycling used machines is good for the environment

The more we use data for our digital solutions, the more we work sustainably and financially responsibly. With a resource-efficient solution, you achieve a better bottom line for you, the customers and the world around us.

If you would like to advertise and sell machines via the web service Webmachines, there are a few details that must be in place before you start.

It is important to keep track of all machine parts and equipment and how these can be categorized. Therefore, it is, among other things, necessary that you make some considerations about how your data base should be.

Get started selling your machines online and read more below about how to get started.

How to get started with Webmachines
WEBMACHINES advertising

With our advertising service Webmachines Advertising, you can centrally manage the advertising of machines on a large number of online portals from the DSM system.

Webmachines Advertising is thus your machine dealer service for optimizing online trade with new and used machines. With this, you can easily and efficiently manage your entire online sales process from a central location in the DSM system, thereby achieving significant time savings and improved data quality.

Webmachines Advertising ensures the direct data exchange and quality between machine dealers and online portals, so that all parties achieve business value. With Webmachines Advertising you are directly connected to relevant online portals. In this way, you can transfer your machine ads without detours with just a few clicks.

Before you can start advertising, you need to take out a subscription, you need to be assigned a GUID and there is also a setup and integration. All this takes place after further agreement with JMA.

In order to be able to advertise via Webmachines Advertising, it is necessary to subscribe to either Webmachines Model Base or Webmachines Data Conversion. You can read more about these services below.



The model base is the heart of WEBMACHINES

The purpose of the Webmachines Model Base is to provide the machine dealers with the best possible data base that follows market development, which is why data in the model base is continuously updated and maintained in close cooperation with the machine dealers. The updates may be changes or additions to model groups, model subgroups, brands and specifications.

In addition, the Webmachines Model Base forms the data basis for a number of current and future value-creating services, which can be purchased as needed.


Before the model base in Webmachines Model Base can be used, a subscription must be created and for this the model base must be set up and integrated into the DSM system via a separate run. All this takes place after further agreement with JMA.

WEBMACHINES Data Conversion

The data conversion service allows you to use your own model base in the DSM system, for which your machine data is automatically and continuously converted to WEBMACHINE's model base data.

Webmachines Data Conversion is thus the link between your own model base and the WEBMACHINES Model Base. The conversion service is thus a necessity if you want to achieve value through other WEBMACHINES services including Webmachines Advertising, but have a need to have your own model base.


Before data conversion can be used, a subscription must be created and for this the conversion must be set up and loaded into the system via a separate run.

To ensure a good data conversion and data quality, relationships between your own model base and WEBMACHINE's model base must be documented and set up via a closer dialogue. This covers, among other things, the relationship between model subgroups, specifications, specification values and brands. All this takes place after further agreement with JMA.

Do you want to be contacted by our sales consultant Johnny?

Johnny Krogh is the CEO and Sales Manager of JMA in Denmark and he can be contacted on e-mail: or by telephone: +45 5156 5103

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